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Ralph Ammer
Neil Churcher
Ralph Ammer
Massimo Banzi
Jenn Bove
Erez Kikin-Gil
Ruth Kikin-Gil
Simona Maschi
Tristam Sparks
Thomas Stovicek
Family Scrapbook
at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea
All family members install the application on their computers. The front application window shows the most recent postings of each family member, their online status and short messages that they can write when there are no photos to share. The application also has an archive function, storing all the photos posted over time. The demo video explains in detail how the application works.
Application Design

The Family Scrapbook is built around two main screen types: the front screen, which floats on the desktop when the application is opened (the sliver view) and the archive screen (the shoebox view). Each screen emphasizes different information, looking at the potential contexts of use and bringing to the front the most relevant features.

The two sides of the application mirror its double-layered goal: to become a daily active family space, and to act as a static archive for family mementos. The duality of the goals is reflected in the interface design. The front layer (the sliver) is concerned with creating a vibrant family space, revolving around the concept of presence (through pictures, messages or activity). The second layer acts as a facilitator for easy photo manipulation.

Click on the picture to see a bigger preview
Final Software Implementation

The final technical solution of the Family Scrapbook would consist of standalone applications programmed in Java running on common personal computers connected to a web server, which hosts a mySQL database that can be accessed via PHP.

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